Hello lovelys❤️ I've just done something crazy... well I think it's crazy anyway! I just uploaded my first ever youtube makeup tutorial. i'm not sure if i have honestly made the right choice, some of my friends make videos and they love it so i thought i'd give it a go. i recorded the video months ago and it's just been sitting in my computer for ages. the reason i was doubting it is because of all the backlash that comes with anybody making videos, but i shouldn't let people's opinions get to me i guess? ill put the link to my new video and channel below so feel free to check it out and share with your friends if you like. ill also link my friends channels too because they are all amazing! My new video: https://youtu.be/JHWH1x5WPpw FrankieJoe22: https://youtu.be/S7HZJyYVpwY Issie Barrett-Kearns: https://youtu.be/0wmMeiL3Vuw Olivia Spinks: https://youtu.be/doF5q9PA5lc But again, who knows this may be a regular thing these videos, and id love to sta